FMP: Early Prototype: Progress 1 *old*

Started work in unity on 24/05/2014 following This tutorial on WordPress.

So far i have worked up to part 6 but have not read part 6 yet.  So far i have implemented Camera Movement, basic HUD elements, basic mouse controls and laid foundations for buildings, units and other world object scripts. I have yet to implement my own graphics or models. that will come after i have all the basics in place. I realise this tutorial will not teach me everything i want implement in my game. However it is a great starting point and an introduction to C# coding.

RTS prototype 1

Resource Bar:

resourceBar1 this tiny little image is my resource bar, which is were the players resources will be displayed in later stages of development.

Orders Bar:

ordersBar1 This tiny little image is the orders bar, which is where build options and unit names will be displayed at later stages.

Test Bars: I added a white outline to my bars to see how it would affect them in game. This has given me an insight on how to use these to my advantage. This will be vital in developing graphics for the HUD/GUI.

(You can’t notice the white line but will see a fade at the edges)

ordersBar resourceBar


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